Cyber Security Audit

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  • Cyber Security Audit

Network Configuration

Many organizations lose track of the number of devices on their network. We can help you organize your network so you know exactly what is connected, and which devices can communicate with each other.

Application Security

If you use any customized software how secure is it? Has it been designed and reviewed with security in mind? What web based information do you make available? Are your websites secure? Do you know where your protected information is stored and who has access to it. (This has become mandatory under GDPR).

Access Control

All the best cyber security is invalidated if physical access to your IT equipment is not controlled. Do you know who is on your site at all times: when do employees and customers come and go? Do your employees have access to all computers?

Operational Security

Do you know what sensitive data you hold? Who might want to access this? Have you analyzed how an attacker might try and obtain it?


What information are you sending and receiving from your office networks. Is this information being sent as clear text, or is it encrypted? How about your remote and mobile users?

Training & Compliance

Ensure and update staff awareness to reduce attack surface and mishap

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Threat Hunter

Know your enemy: financially motivated attacks and data theft are on the rise

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Network Protection

Keep out the attackers with industry leading firewalls

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