
About Us

We specialise in helping SMEs to cost-effectively manage the risks of doing business using IT today. Taking an overview of your organisation’s use of technology, we will help you make sensible adjustments to avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary down-time.

From the years that we have been supporting companies we know that some or all of the categories listed on the audit page will apply to you. Have a look at the list! If you have planned for these, well done…

If not, and you are looking for this kind of support then please contact us for a free initial consultation. Send an email to hello@netaraxy.com, or if your prefer to chat things through, please call 0 1913 1931 (Dublin) or 06 37 18 66 40 (France)

We will conduct an initial audit, make recommendations and help you implement them. Choose the level of support to suit your needs with a monthly plan to suit your budget.