
This malware attack denies you access to your data. Your network is taken over and a ransom demanded. €600 million cost to HSE in 2021 to decrypt and restore their data.

Data Loss

Recent GDPR fines in Ireland for "Insufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure information security" Bank of Ireland fined €463,000 04/2022 Meta Systems fined €17,000,000 03/2022

Compromised Email

In 2022 the global average cost of data breaches from compromised email reached a record high of US $ 4.35 million (report by IBM)

Our Approach To Security

We believe in helping our clients operate "systems that remain dependable in the face of malice, error, or mischance." [See this excellent book by Ross Anderson]

Secure By Design

Instead of leaving your virtual front door wide open, know who is allowed access to your network, and specify what they are permitted to do.

Compliant By Design

Cyber-attacks are costly, disruptive and a growing threat to business, governments and society alike. Work towards ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Continuous Monitoring

Round the clock monitoring of your firewall and network to ensure that your security controls are working, and to adjust them if necessary.

Cyber Security Solutions

We specialise in helping SME's outsource their IT security

Cyber Security Audit

Identify vulnerabilities to create a resilience plan

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Network Protection

Keep out the attackers with industry leading firewalls

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Secure Managed IT

Partner with Netaraxy to outsource the management of some or all of your IT systems.

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Threat Hunter

Know your enemy: financially motivated attacks and data theft are on the rise

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Training & Compliance

Ensure and update staff awareness to reduce attack surface and mishap

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Disaster Prevention - Building Your Network Resilience

Partner with us to uncover your system's vulnerabilities.

Many ransomware attacks exploit well documented weaknesses in software that is not up to date. Building an awareness of what is running on your network is essential.

Protect your network from outside attack.

We always recommend Netgate pfSense®

pfSense® Plus software is the world's most trusted and peer reviewed firewall. The software has garnered the respect of users worldwide - installed well over three million times. Made possible by open source technology. Made into a robust, reliable, dependable product by Netgate.

We offer a secure managed IT service. We take responsibility for keeping your primary defences up to date. We offer advice on network set-up and configuration. We help you make cost-effective purchasing decisions.

Our Threat Hunter service exists to monitor your firewall 24/7 - to be on the lookout for strange or unusual network activity that may be the first sign of an attack on your resources.

As an additional layer of security we can monitor the network traffic of workstations inside your office to see, for example, if they are suddenly taken over in a DOS attack.

Keeping your colleagues informed and up to date is an important part of cyber risk management.

Contrary to popular belief, all multi-factor authentication mechanisms can be compromised, and in some cases, it’s as simple as sending a traditional phishing email.

24/7 Cybersecurity Operation Center

Partner with Netaraxy to monitor your firewalls, network workstations, and cloud devices. We will instantly react to threats and work to resolve the problem.

Managed Firewalls
Network Monitoring
24/7 Firewall Monitoring
24/7 Network Monitoring
Disaster recovery assistance
Website monitoring